28 July 2012

Banana Coffee Milkshake

Milkshakes are perfect for any season of the year, but specially during hot summer days is extra good. The one I show you today I like it for breakfast but also good any time of the day. You will need to put a banana in the freezer in advance and make a nice extra strong coffee and let it cool down. And in less than 5 minutes you will enjoy a tasty and refreshing milkshake.

INGREDIENTS  makes 2 milkshakes

1 ripe banana
6 scoops of vanilla ice cream
1 large coffee
cocoa powder for decorating

Peal and cut the banana and store it in the freezer, you can do it at least with 20 minutes in advance.  Make a coffee, let it cool down and place it in the freezer or in the fridge to make it quicker. Put all ingredients in  the blender and serve inmediatly. You can decorate with some cocoa powder.

Enjoy it!!


  1. Vi el español , pero me gusta leerte en inglés ;)
    Por cierto, tienes la verificación de palabra activada, dejar un comentario se convierte en un momento complicado

    1. Tienes razón Isabel, ya lo cambié, eso es un poco engorroso a la hora de comentar... muchas gracias

  2. Delicioso y muy refrescante.
    Un besazo.

  3. Apetecible con este calorcito. Me quedo bss
